
Avian “bird flu” outbreak strikes dairy farms across the nation

The Type A H5N1 virus, commonly known as “avian flu” or “bird flu,” has spread from chicken and hen farms to dairy facilities across the nation. The latest developments have left dairy consumers wondering whether their morning glasses of milk are safe to consume–and whether humans could be infected next.  Eight U.S. states have reported […]

Newly-Released: Calves Mutilated by Mexico’s Dairy Industry

Never-before-seen footage by Animal Equality exposes rampant cruelty in Mexico’s dairy industry. As shown by photographs and video, calves’ horns are cut by workers without anesthesia and then burned with a chemical paste.  For years, Animal Equality has been exposing this cruel industry, including: Male calves killed after birth because they cannot produce milk for […]

Cold Truth about Dairy: Calves Frozen, Punched, Killed, and Stuffed

This is a bit of a personal one… For you and me, the holidays are about being with those we love. But as I gather with my family, protected from the bitter cold outside, I start to think of all the animals who aren’t so fortunate.  I shiver, and it’s not from the cold.  I […]

Dairy Signal: Tips on Team Dynamics, Animal Handling and Market News

BEST PRACTICES … Educational webinars now accredited for Dairy AdvanCE continuing education credits PUBLISHED ON September 10, 2023 This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal from Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) will share best practices for managing your teams, animals and businesses. (PDPW) JUNEAU, Wis. — This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal from Professional Dairy […]

Is Dairy Vegan? | Animal Equality

With veganism and plant-based food products on the rise, many people are left questioning what foods are safe for vegans to eat. Today, we explain whether dairy products, like milk and cheese, are vegan… What Does It Mean to Be Vegan? Being vegan means adopting a lifestyle that excludes the use of all animal products. […]

The Global Impact of Dairy Farming: Why Amey’s Story Should Matter for Animals

Animal Equality’s recent investigation into dairy farming in India has uncovered disturbing evidence of cruelty and abuse. The investigation highlights the harsh realities of the dairy industry and exposes the urgent need for change across the global industry. The production of milk and other dairy products  is often described as a natural process for cows […]

Actress & Activist Richa Moorjani on the Global Dairy Industry

Typically in front of the camera to film for television shows and movies, actress and activist Richa Moorjani recently found herself in front of Animal Equality’s cameras to help shed light on the global dairy industry. With never-before-seen footage captured by Animal Equality’s undercover investigators in India, Richa is harnessing the power of investigations to […]

South Fork Dairy Farm Fire Kills 18,000 Cows

On Monday, April 10th, 2023, an explosion occurred at the South Fork Dairy Farm in Dimmit, Texas, and a fire that killed 18,000 cows. Authorities believe that the fire was caused by a potential equipment malfunction in the facility’s manure management system. The animals were trapped inside the burning factory and only a few survived. South […]

Animal-free dairy plant to open in UAE

A vegan dairy production plant is coming to the United Arab Emirates. The Silicon Valley-based food tech firm Change Foods announced Thursday an agreement with the Khalifa Economic Zones Abu Dhabi to build an animal-free dairy plant in the emirate, according to a press release.  UAE Trade Minister Thani Al Zeyoudi said in a tweet that the […]

Q3 major food players roundup: From animal-free dairy to carbon-free beer

This article originally appeared as part of our Food Weekly newsletter. Subscribe to get sustainability food news in your inbox every Thursday. Earlier this year, I saw some encouraging movement on topics such as food waste and social justice — programs that don’t tend to dominate corporate press releases. But now, we’re back to this year’s darling: […]

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