5 Fun Facts about Snakes for World Snake Day

In celebration of World Snake Day, here are five fun facts about these slithery reptiles: All snakes are carnivores. That means they eat meat. In particular, they may eat mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, eggs, worms, and insects. There are over 3,000 species of snakes. Some snakes are venomous. That means they produce a toxic saliva. […]

First Proper Summer’s Day | My Shetland

Everyone was basking in the sunshine, when I went out this morning to give the dogs their run. It was very encouraging.  Summer is finally here, I thought to myself.  At last. The horses have finally lost the last of their winter coats and are looking well-covered and happy.  The ponies need one last brush […]

5 Cool Facts about Polar Bears for Polar Bear Day

Did you know today is Polar Bear Day? Here are five cool facts about polar bears to celebrate: Polar bears’ fur is actually clear and hollow. It appears white or yellow because of the reflection and scattering of light. Polar bears are the world’s largest land predators, weighing up to 600 kg (1300 lb.) and measuring […]

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