
Animal-free egg protein powers ‘world’s first protein-boosted hard juice’ from The EVERY Co and Pulp Culture

BUILD, which “required zero masking agents, sugar or other unnecessary additives”​ – contains on-trend ingredients ashwagandha and cordyceps, and 5g protein, something previously beyond the reach of Pulp Culture’s​​ formulators, who had “struggled to identify a protein that possessed the solubility, texture and neutral taste profile suitable for their premium live-culture beverages,” ​said The EVERY Co’s founder […]

Goat’s Breed Best for Dairy Products

Goats are reared since eons milk, meat, and skin. Apart from chickens, goats happen to be the most reared species that are domesticated at home. They aid in generating milk, meat, and fiber which are further used for generating different leather and clothing products. However, considering all other three aspects, goats are primarily the rich […]

Our Dairy Still Kills Day of Action has a BIG impact for calves – Hope Wetherall, Campaigns Volunteer

It’s been an action-packed weekend for activists! Firstly, a massive thank you to the dedicated animal rights groups and everyone who took part in our #DairyStillKills National Day of Action on Saturday, as well as countless individuals door-dropping flyers this weekend. Let’s not forget those who shared our shocking investigations on social media and donated to fund further undercover […]

Skyrocketing Costs are Forcing Thousands of Farmers to Quit Dairy – Ayrton Cooper, Campaigns Manager

The soaring costs of feed, fuel, energy and fertilisers are causing farmers to quit dairy farming. A recent survey by the National Farmers’ Union has highlighted the mounting pressures that farmers are facing. In recent years, the combination of Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic, loss of labour and rising import costs, and now the Russian-Ukraine war, […]

Undercover Investigation: The Horrors Facing Goats at Delamere Dairy – Ayrton Cooper, Campaigns Manager

Major goat dairy brand exposed by Animal Justice Project! Shocking scenes featured in the Independent. As consumers become more aware of the horrors facing cows and calves on dairy farms, a smaller, and lesser-known industry is marketing to those wanting to make kinder, more sustainable choices. Goat’s milk is increasingly promoted as a healthier, more […]

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