
Changes to animal ordinance limits tethering, adds ‘dangerous’ designation

Feb. 25—Even though the updated animals ordinance still has to go through two more readings, Newton resident Donna Stumme was overjoyed by the efforts of city staff and told them as much during the Feb. 20 council meeting but stopped herself from going on about it any further in case she got too emotional. “High […]

New animal ownership limits placed in Junction City for cats, dogs and ferrets

JUNCTION CITY (KSNT) – A new city ordinance has been approved in Junction City which limits the number of animals in each residence within city limits. City Attorney of Junction City Britain D. Stites announced on Nov. 8 that the City Commission voted on and approved the new limits for animals per residence. Households may […]

Animals Without Limits: LITTLE RESCUE HONEY

This is honey! She had a rough start in life. Abandon and according to her wounds, locked up left to die. Our wonderful AWL volunteer Nicky Mormino was out walking when she saw this poor little thing. Nicky didn’t hesitate to take her and rich her to our veterinarian Dr.Damiani. In this Campania area they […]

Animals Without Limits: HALL GRYTAN KOKANDE

Skänk 10 Kr eller mer – En God Jul Till Utsatta Hundar! Sverige Swisha 10 kr eller mer till 0735-090830.  Skriv God Jul som meddelade. Tack!  Ett kallt hårt betonggolv. En känsla av panik eller kanske hopplöshet och förtvivlan. Hungrig, törstig och smärtor i kroppen. En själ som långsamt tynar bort och ger upp… Detta är […]

Animals Without Limits: Horse Sanctuary 2017-2018

 Little would we have known that AWL would start rescuing horses too. Don’t get me wrong, we want to rescue all animals, however, horses are big and expensive animals with a lot of knowledge inside their minds. You can follow us at Oregon is 26 years old former riding school horse. I always say things […]

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