
Criminal charges sought by Animal Equality for lamb cruelty

Animal Equality–in collaboration with Animal Partisan and a local Colorado attorney–has requested criminal charges against Colorado Lamb Processors and one of its supervisors. On March 28, 2023, a USDA Public Health Veterinarian inspected a Colorado Lamb Processors facility in Brush, Colorado. The USDA representative found a fully conscious lamb loaded onto a conveyor belt, ineffectively […]

Christmas Eve Animal Rescue: The Story of a Newborn Lamb and Goat

Animal Equality’s President recounts her experience inside a farm in Madrid on Christmas Eve. Discover the rescue mission that saved a newborn lamb and goat, reshaping Christmas traditions with a powerful message of compassion. It only took one look.  As the straw crunched beneath my feet, eyes peered out from the shadows. Huddled together, baby […]

Possum Valley Animal Sanctuary Inc.: Welcome Baby Norman Lamb

In late February, Nurse Nicole at Bullsbrook Veterinary Clinic messaged to let us know a very sick newborn lamb was enroute to clinic. The lamb was very weak and had a serious stomach issue, and she was concerned he may not make the journey.  Upon arrival at the Clinic, the amazing staff provided fluids and […]

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