
New camera takes photos using the same colors animals can see •

A new camera system technology is set to transform how ecologists and filmmakers understand and visualize the color perceptions of various animals in their natural habitats. The research was led by Vera Vasas of the University of Sussex, UK, and colleagues from the Hanley Color Lab at George Mason University, US. How animals perceive color […]

The Incredible Colors of Animals Mean Different Things, But We Just Found a Pattern : ScienceAlert

Dazzling as it often appears, fashion in the animal kingdom can be frightfully repetitive. There are only so many color templates that scream ‘look at me’ amid the greys and greens of foliage and muck. So it should be no surprise that animals often use the same colors for very different purposes. The brilliant crimson […]

Yes, Your Dog Should Eat ‘All the Colors of the Rainbow’ The latest news, tips and advice from From the sultry red of an apple to the vibrant green of broccoli and the yellow of split peas, the plant world offers a stunning array of colorful — and delicious — delights. But did …READ MORE >> Source link

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