
County Durham woman who neglected rabbit and Chihuahua receives two-year animal ban

A woman has received a two-year animal ban after her dog was found with injuries and her pet rabbit was discovered with multiple health issues. Elizabeth Cusick, 66, of Trafalgar Square, Darlington, County Durham, was convicted of two offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006; one of causing unnecessary suffering by failing to provide prompt […]

Former minister receives petition calling for ban on live animal exports to be kept

Photo: RNZ/Carol Stiles A petition signed by more than 57,000 people calling for the government to keep its ban on live animal exports has been handed over to Parliament. Labour introduced the ban in April last year while still in government. But the new government has said it would like to restart live animal exports […]

UK Labour Party to ban foie gras imports if elected

Ban foie gras in the United States now Foie gras is one of the most violent animal products available. Ducks and geese are force-fed through a tube that is inserted into their throats in a process called gavage. Large amounts of fat are deposited into the duck’s liver, causing it to grow up to ten […]

Campaign launched to ban foie gras sales in Ann Arbor, Michigan

Today marks the launch of Animal Equality’s campaign against foie gras sales in the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Foie gras, a French “luxury” dish, is produced by force-feeding ducks and geese until their livers swell up to ten times their normal size. These swollen, diseased livers are ground into a pâté and served at […]

Good news! Washington becomes 12th state to ban sale of animal-tested cosmetics

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block Last week, Washington became the 12th U.S. state to pass a law to ban the sale of cosmetics newly tested on animals. This is a win for all the guinea pigs, rabbits, mice and rats who will never have to suffer through painful testing, including having cosmetics chemicals forced down […]

Animal welfare groups file complaint with Ombudsman over EU Commission’s caged-farming ban failure

24 Nov 2023 — Over 30 animal protection organizations have lodged an official complaint with the European Ombudsman against the European Commission’s (EC) failure to uphold its commitment to a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) in which 1.4 million citizens asked for a ban on cages in animal farming.  In its answer to […]

Foie Gras: UK Parliament Debates Import Ban as Protesters Gather

In the heart of Westminster–London’s historical and political hub–UK animal defenders demanded an end to foie gras imports.  While standing in front of the iconic Big Ben last week, protesters carried distressing video footage of foie gras production. They even displayed a ‘gavage tube,’ an instrument used to force-feed ducks and geese.  Others distributed plant-based […]

USDA finalizes organic farming rule, clarifying gestation crate ban for animal welfare and public health

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block In a historic move, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program has issued the final Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule, a landmark federal regulation that strengthens and clarifies animal welfare standards. While the rule only covers animals raised in the National Organic Program, it will be the […]

Man accused of breaching lifetime animal ownership ban

A 76-year-old man has been charged with breaching a lifetime animal ownership ban. The accused, who lives in the Shire of Mundaring, was convicted on several charges of animal cruelty in 2012 in relation to around 70 starving and neglected sheep and cattle at properties he owned. He was prohibited from being in charge of […]

‘No remorse, no respect’: Waikato woman’s blatant breaches of animal ban

SPCA Seven cows were among the 123 animals found on Lai Toy’s property in Waharoa, in spite of her five-year ban on owning any kind of animal. A Waikato woman banned from owing animals for five years has incurred a further five-year ban after being found with more than 120 on her property, a move […]

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