The Plan | My Shetland

The Plan | My Shetland

Someone is still in the dog-house – by choice – her’s.  Poor little Patterdale terrier. Nobody luffs her.

Meanwhile, Bibble, or Bobbles (aka Iacs) as he now appears on my phone with auto-correct…..

We have made a plan.

Iacs is booked to go south on the freight boat (passenger ferry fully booked which is the only way I could have accompanied him), to be collected at the other end and driven to the Equine Veterinary Surgery in Aberdeen.  There he will have laser therapy surgery and chemotherapy (one day dose).  And then he will come home. It will hopefully take less than a week.  Apparently there is every chance Iacs will be cured (yes, I cried when the vet said this).

So Iacs is going to have to put his brave pants on at the end of the month for his Big Trip by himself.

I can hear some folk wondering why we would bother with a 27 year old horse but Iacs is family, full of life and we will give him every chance.  We owe him that much.  The cost is irrelevant.  We’ll manage.  This is Iacs we’re talking about, after all.

I thought about sending Haakon with iacs as company but, to be honest, I don’t think Haakon would cope and I don’t want Kolka left on her own.

She certainly wouldn’t manage.

The minions are totally unsuitable travel companions too.  So brave pants it is.  Daisy and I think this is the best plan we can have for Iacs.


This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

The Plan | My Shetland

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