The Fun Breeds of Goat – Pygmy & Fainting Goats

The Fun Breeds of Goat - Pygmy & Fainting Goats

since eons have been used as pets for various reasons. Goats, for instance,
have been domesticated and reared by individuals for the purpose of meat, milk,
and skin. However, considering the different breeds found around, the Pygmy and
Fainting goats are the two most popular ones that make the most fun breeds.

Here in this article we will highlight few reasons about why Fainting and Pygmy goats make the best breeds of you are thinking of rearing one.

About Fainting Goats

mentioned, fainting goats are one of the most popular breeds amongst goats.
However, the most peculiar habit, that makes it fun and unconventional too is
its very habit of fainting when startled, which has earned it the epithet of
fainting goats.

why do they faint? Well, these fascinating little breeds end up taking a little
nap every time they are startled, excited or frightened. However, while it
looks as of they are fast asleep or taking a nap, it is actually wide awake.
Their muscles tighten up so much that they appear frozen for few seconds and
this is the very reason that makes them fall and turns them into a fascinating
breed that is reared as pets.

goats faint due to a genetic disorder called myotonia that these breeds
possess. However, the sooner they fall, quickly they get back on their feet and
start their run again. Considering this particular trait, these breeds have
become more and more popular as pets as people find their act of fainting

fainting goats grow up to a height of 17 to 25 inches and weigh between 50 to
165 pounds. They are usually found in white and black colors. Other physical
characteristics include long elongated ears that stand out of their head. These
goats are calm and active, rarely showcasing any aggressive behavior. However,
considering their fainting characteristic, they may often end up becoming meat
for injured animals or predators when in the frozen state that hardly lasts for
10 seconds.

About Pygmy Goats

comparison to fainting goats, pygmy goats are bit smaller in height and weight
around 50 to 75 pounds. These breeds are one of the most popular breeds along
with Fainting goats, who are reared and domesticated as pets by people.

goat breeds are known for producing a large quantity of milk. However, this is
not the very reason for domesticating the breed for using them for meat and
milk. Rearing of Pygmy goats is fun as they are active breeds who are seen
lurking around in the grass. They keep browsing through the field for food,
typically feeding on young leaves and grass.

with Sheep, goats make up the best pet animals that are reared for various
reasons such as milk and meat. However, this active species also house species
such as the fainting goats and pygmy goats that are fun to be around and offer
a load of entertainment for onlookers making them the most chosen pets.

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The Fun Breeds of Goat – Pygmy & Fainting Goats

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