
Native animals that survived Bayindeen bushfire face increased threat from predators six weeks on

In short: About 22,000 hectares of forest at Mount Cole and Mount Buangor burned in February during weeks-long bushfires. Six weeks later, wildlife carers and rescuers say they are beginning to see the impact of the bushfire on local wildlife. What’s next? An ecologists says introduced predators will have greater access to the area after the fire and are likely […]

Breaking: Threat to nation’s strongest farm animal law deepens in U.S. Congress

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block Whatever doubt there may have been before, the situation is now crystal clear. The battle over California’s Proposition 12 and the Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression (EATS) Act (or some other approach to blocking Proposition 12 through the Farm Bill) has been joined, and we’re in the thick of it. […]

Breaking: Major threat to animal welfare emerges in U.S. Congress

By Sara Amundson and Kitty Block This year has already been historic for animals, as the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of upholding the strongest farm animal protection law in the country, California’s Proposition 12. This landmark law, approved by voters via ballot measure in 2018, prohibits the in-state production and […]

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