TINA UPDATE: Our donors and supporters win!

TINA UPDATE: Our donors and supporters win!

If you had asked us last night if Tina was going to be stable today, I don’t think any of us would have been able to say yes with 100% certainty. Tina was truly in critical condition. Our vet team told us she was still at high risk of dying overnight or being euthanized.

But this morning’s update from her veterinarian has us all over the moon happy – Tina is stable!

Her red blood cell count continues to climb. The liquid coming from her urine catheter is all urine instead of all blood. The catheter is being removed today and she will be monitored for straining.

There is no uncontrolled bleeding from the site of her liver biopsy.

We do not have results from the liver biopsy, mineral tox screening, or fecals yet. Her liver values will be checked again tomorrow.

Last night, our supporters rallied for Tina as she rallied herself. Donors raised enough funds to cover her existing bill (at around $4,000) and all of her upcoming expenses. We suspect she will be hospitalized for several more days, and we expect more tests to monitor her blood and liver values.

We still do not know what is wrong with Tina, and so that is difficult. But the treatments the vet team is providing appear to be working.

We will keep you posted. Thank you all so much for your love and, especially, your donations. We were all blown away by your incredible generosity. It gives us such hope.

TINA UPDATE: Our donors and supporters win!

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