
Fact checking lab-grown meat rejectionists: No, animal cells used to make cultivated meat do not cause cancer

CLAIM: Lab-grown meat is made out of cancerous animal cells. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Meat grown in labs is made using cells taken from animals, but those cells are not cancerous and there are many safeguards in place to ensure that the end product is safe to consume, experts told The Associated Press. The false claim stems from […]

VIDEO: Fire Ant Towers – Animal Fact Guide

Did you know that fire ants have the ability to pile up on one another to form impressively high towers if they ever need to escape a container? David Hu, a professor of biology and mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech, has been studying how fire ants create their tall swirling ant structures. Watch a video […]

Featured Animal: African Elephant – Animal Fact Guide

Meet our Featured Animal: the African elephant! Here are five fun facts about African elephants: Weighing up to 6000 kg (6.6 tons) and measuring up to 3.3 m (10 ft.) at the shoulder, the African elephant is the world’s largest land mammal. Both male and female elephants possess tusks, which are modified incisor teeth. On […]

Featured Animal: Tasmanian Devil – Animal Fact Guide

Meet our featured animal, the Tasmanian devil! Here are five facts about Tasmanian devils: Tasmanian devils inhabit the island state of Tasmania, although they once lived throughout Australia. The Tasmanian devil is the size of a small dog. Tasmanian devils are not picky eaters. They eat carrion (dead animals), including rotten flesh, fur, and bones! […]

Featured Animal: Short-beaked Echidna – Animal Fact Guide

Meet our featured animal, the short-beaked echidna! Here are five fun facts about echidnas: Baby echidnas are called puggles! [Check out this adorable puggle from the Taronga Western Plains Zoo.] Echidnas are monotremes, or mammals that lay eggs. Their long spines are made of keratin, the same material that makes up our fingernails. The echidna’s […]

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