Continuing with the Theme | My Shetland

Continuing with the Theme | My Shetland

So, as the weather is beyond words now, you can imagine we are spending a lot of time indoors going out only when necessary.

Outside is pretty rough.  All the animals were checked and fed.  They seem to find the most out-of-the-wind spots in their fields and are grazing happily – including “my” blackbird who I have noticed is now always around.

He is doing very well, living with the sheep in their stable.  He will let me stand about a metre from him.  Very brave.

From today:


The middle of the day – the rain or hail comes in violent fits and starts.  Horrible for a few minutes and then gone as quickly as it arrived.

Sunset tonight.  Don’t be fooled the blue sky. It’s brass monkeys now and we are not at the end of this storm.  There is the wind-chill factor too of -3.

Being indoors, means I am working hard on the sheeple stock and thinking about the preparations for Christmas.

One last thing, I thought it would be nice to have a little chat with Monster.



This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Continuing with the Theme | My Shetland

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