Their Own Choices | My Shetland

Their Own Choices | My Shetland

Today it rained and I made the concious decision not to put rugs on any of the Shetland ponies.  My theory was that, now they have the two containers and unlimited hay, they get to make their own choices on where they want to be.  I think it is really important that animals choose and take responsibility for their decisions.

It was interesting to note that Vitamoo-bag, Fivla and Newt had taken up residence in the container while the others decided to be outside.

And, of course, Albie was utterly hopeless.

He refused to even consider helping himself to a haynet.

Not even if it was positioned so he can eat it standing outside.  Honestly, I give up with him and please don’t feel sorry for Albie as he had already had a huge pile of hay earlier.  His choice, I keep telling myself.  His decisions.  His responsibility.

So the others tucked in and left Albie to his inner demons.

And I went to town to get more hay and a collar for Pepperpot as she lost her old one under a container somewhere.  I think she suits shocking pink.

When I got home, the ponies had mostly gone out to find some grass. It was still raining and again, their choices.

That was, all except for Silver, Waffle and Vitamin, who I think hadn’t actually moved all day!

Vitamoo-bag has been welded to that haynet!  Good for her.

Once it stops raining, Skippy and I will go out and muck out together.

Their Own Choices | My Shetland

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