Animal Legal Defense Fund Demands Endangered Species Act to Be Enforced – One Green Planet

Animal Legal Defense Fund Demands Endangered Species Act to Be Enforced – One Green Planet

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The Animal Legal Defense Fund has taken a decisive step towards protecting endangered gray wolves housed at Predators of the Heart, also known as Because We Matter Exotic Animal Rescue. Situated in Anacortes, Washington, this facility has come under scrutiny for repeated violations of the law, prompting its closure to public visits and direct animal interactions.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has been urged by the Animal Legal Defense Fund to investigate Predators of the Heart and enforce the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The allegations include the unauthorized killings of approximately nine gray wolves and the potential euthanization of the remaining animals due to financial constraints if a Special Use Permit is not granted by Skagit County.

Despite being stripped of its permit by Anacortes City authorities and facing local opposition, the facility has continued to house these endangered wolves in conditions deemed inappropriate. Concerns over abnormal behaviors exhibited by the wolves further underscore the urgency of removing them from such precarious environments.

The legal complaint argues that the actions of Predators of the Heart constitute a clear violation of the ESA’s definitions of harm and harassment. It calls upon the FWS to intervene decisively to prevent any additional deaths and ensure the welfare of these vulnerable animals.

As the legal battle continues, advocates for Animal rights and environmental protection remain steadfast in their efforts to hold facilities like Predators of the Heart accountable under federal law. The outcome of this case could set a crucial precedent for the enforcement of wildlife protection laws across the country.

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Animal Legal Defense Fund Demands Endangered Species Act to Be Enforced – One Green Planet

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