
5 Shocking Legal Practices Pigs Endure on Factory Farming

Discover 5 legal practices endured by these animals, trapped within farms and slaughterhouses worldwide… Within factory farming, pigs live their lives far from the idyllic farm scenes painted by the meat industry. Instead of open fields, they spend their days in concrete or slatted floor pens, confined indoors. On some farms, thousands of pigs share […]

United States: Animal welfare under the judicial spotlight – California issued new guidance for food industry following Supreme Court’s recent ruling on California’s Proposition 12

In brief California’s Proposition 12 (Prop 12) establishes new standards for confinement of certain farm animals, including egg-laying hens, veal calves, and breeding pigs.1 Under the law, it is illegal to participate in the commercial sale (including by restaurant and other food service establishments) if the business owner or operator knows or should know that […]

Legal Docket: Pork production and animal rights

MARY REICHARD, HOST: It’s Monday morning, October 17th, 2022 and we’re so glad you’ve joined us for The World and Everything in It! Good morning. I’m Mary Reichard. NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher. It’s time for Legal Docket. Just one oral argument for today, but it’s a really important one. REICHARD: Yes, it […]

9 Cruel Yet Legal Farming Practices

Because of the space they require, industrial farms and slaughterhouses are usually built away from inhabited areas. They have no windows and no architectural clues of what happens inside. Very few people really know what happens to animals in these places. This is why Animal Equality is dedicated to exposing the reality through undercover investigations. […]

Give legal rights to animals, trees and rivers, say experts | Environment

Granting legal rights and protections to non-human entities such as animals, trees and rivers is essential if countries are to tackle climate breakdown and biodiversity loss, experts have said. The authors of a report titled Law in the Emerging Bio Age say legal frameworks have a key part to play in governing human interactions with […]

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