Oh yes. Spring is on it’s way.
I was surprised to see my banks of primroses starting to appear. I think it is early but I am happy to be wrong.
But they lighten my heart and make me think Spring is finally on its way despite the many recent meteorogical set backs. Winter is not over. It is still trying.
Even the odd daisy and this is the first one in my field – I have not found another.
And a rather bleak celandine that has suffered much from the weather – I am feeling very sorry for this plant and this is the best I could find. I’ve not seen another. It is pitiful.
I see these flowers when I am walking the dogs.
You have not idea how happy I am when I come across a flower, any flower, trying to make an effort through a very hard winter.
All four of us (that would be Pepper, Ted, Monster and me) wander around the fields on a daily basis – we call this a dog walk – and the fact that nature is finally beginning to kick in is truly wonderful.
These are seggies – yellow flag irises – trying their very best.
And meanwhile good old Ted has become a fully-fledged member of the croft dogginess!
So Spring – yay! No, double yay! It has been a long time coming and no more snow please or everything will go back into the ground again. I could not bear that. Seeing flowers again makes me think we are on our way out of the long hard winter.