On the rare days the wind doesn’t blow in Shetland, the midges have to come out.
The horses and ponies are used to it – they groom each other and swish their tails, sometimes walking endlessly to get away from them.
Today I didn’t seem as affected as them, so I went out with my big camera and took a few snaps of the old ladies.
I tried not to take too many body shots for obvious reasons. Though, I am thrilled Vitamin is back to a good weight (it only took over two years), Fivla suddenly ballooned overnight and turned into a wee heifer.
The Icelandic horses had all come down too from their field. I think they wanted to get out of the long grass, where the midges especially thrive.
They were resting and itching.
And has anyone seen Haakon’s forelock? Happily Iacs’ silly-frilly is still there.
The sheep were very fed up of the midges too.
Poor Madge. The boys had decamped to the hill in search of a little breeze. I won’t let the girls leave the premises just in case.
Note-to-self – I must go out more with my big camera.