Veggies | My Shetland

Veggies | My Shetland

Thank you for your orders.  I will be going to town tomorrow (dentist appointment).  The bags and tea-towels have been totted up and I know what I need to buy on your behalf. If you want me to pop a handmade hand-felted Shetland sheep into your order, now is a good time to let me know, before all my stock goes to the shop too.

This afternoon was spent at Turriefield packing vegetables for the shops and various veg boxes.

There were mountains of various veg.

And we all worked hard bagging, pricing, and distributing.

I enjoy the work.  It’s nice to be away from the croft to do something completely different and the Golden Rule is that what is said in the shed, stays in the shed so we talk about everything and I always come home feeling I have achieved.

Sometimes, I am given a bin liner of edible horse food to take away and today was celery tops so, when I got home, I threw half of the bag to the Minions.

And then I went to open the gate, turning my back, and every leaf had been cleared in seconds!

The ponies adore celery and I have the celery bottom sitting in my mother’s celery vase!

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Veggies | My Shetland

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