Up the Hill | My Shetland

Up the Hill | My Shetland

Rain, rain and more rain.

To be fair, everyone didn’t hang around after breakfast asking for more food but I decided to give the ponies some hay to eat which would keep them warm and hopefully prevent them from shivering.

I speeded up this film as they all took their time coming up the hill but it is keeping them all fit!

The hay was a wise decision, I think.  They were very appreciative.

And even Vitamoo-bag was in a cooperative mood, letting me put her rug earlier on without the usual chasing after her fight which is quickly becoming the norm these days.

Fivla is always the tail-end Charlie but she got there eventually.  Speed is not her thing.  It never has been.  When she was a riding pony, she had two speeds – slow and stop.

So, while it poured with rain on and off all day, with more to come tomorrow, I went to my shed to make the grey sheep on the left.

I have a fibre block on soak and will go out later to dish it out to the ponies if they are still around.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Up the Hill | My Shetland

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