To Clothie | My Shetland

To Clothie | My Shetland

I will start with this photo, just because it is lovely – Pepper and Monster having a chat, ie Pepper wants to sit on my lap but Monster has already got there first and is not budging.

Anyway, we all went for a walk over to Clothie – my five acre croft across the scattald (open hill).  When I say “all”, Ted didn’t come too because he was busy with OH doing something useful, I think.  I gave up asking Ted.

Anyway, I had an intrepid explorer.

While Monster and Pepper were busy hunting, I was photographing the emerging spring flowers.

Cat’s Ear – how apt!

Tormentil, I think.

Cuckooflower or Lady’s Smock (one of my favourites)

I have no idea what this weed is. I looked it up and the internet said “Duckweed” but then it said none grows in Shetland so I am none the wiser.  It looks like Mind-your-own-business ( Soleirolia soleirolii) but that’s not a water plant.  Anyone? Help, please.

And then there is the very creepy bubbling pond weed.  That was a little weird, even by my standards and there was lots of it all in the stagnant ditches.  It looked like a science experiment in a horror movie.

Red Campion which is never red and always very pink.

Spring Squill

And then we walked home.

If I have given out wrong flower species information, please correct me. I hate false information on the internet.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

To Clothie | My Shetland

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