
Human-Wildlife Coexistence Programme: 2023 Overview

The 2023 calendar year has been non-stop for the Human-Wildlife Coexistence Programme (HWCP). Operations have extended from the Eastern Cape, Lesotho, Drakensberg, the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, and back up to Zululand. Over the past 12 months the programme has focused on training staff, equipping rangers, and engaging effectively with stakeholders across the region on critical topics […]

Support Our Community Conservation Programme with #doDifferent

In an age where time has become one of our most valuable resources, we’re asking you to give up just a little bit of yours to help support our Community Conservation Programme (CCP). is offering Wildlife ACT a unique opportunity to fundraise for our CCP through the #doDifferent campaign, which requires as many supporters […]

Tamil Nadu Animal Welfare Board plans to train 500 veterinarians to help with animal birth control programme

The Tamil Nadu Animal Welfare Board (TNAWB) has planned to train nearly 500 veterinarians to carry out Animal Birth Control (ABC) programmes across the State, especially in municipalities and town panchayats that do not have qualified vets.  In a sensitisation workshop on the ABC programme for officials from municipalities, corporations, and town panchayats, the TNAWB […]

Education programme for equine owners and handlers

Lalitpur, February 2017 On February 4th 2017, Our dedicated team went to Chhampi Mai Brick kiln to conduct an awareness/education programme for the equine owners and handlers. In Chhampi Mai Brick kiln, there are 59 working equines. There are four owners and 19 handlers who are taking care of the equines. When our team went […]

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