Shed Life | My Shetland

Shed Life | My Shetland

My morning was spent lugging hurdles, feed bowls, feed boxes and setting up the massive water bucket in the big shed.

First, I parked the car and trailer properly, getting the van out for tomorrow’s trip to town for more hurdles.  You should’ve seen me reverse that trailer into the very small spot. I was brilliant and there was no one there to watch or applaud.  Isn’t that always the way?

And I made my wee paddock, which will be bigger once I buy the hurdles tomorrow (felted sheep money).

Although the little boys made themselves very at home in the sheep’s stable, I found that the they spent all last night eating the old sheep bedding which cannot be good for them. Also, the sheep were appalled that they have no bedroom.  They were very upset and refused to eat their breakfast in their “new” place.  It just didn’t work.

(Tiddles new BFF was a chicken)

So, I walked each pony separately into their new pen and the reason for not letting them have the whole indoor sand school is because last year (I think but it all seems a blur) Tiddles became a chippie-chipmunk and spent his days and nights eating the boards giving himself colic and nearly killing himself.  Hence the pen = no wood = no colic, please, thank you.

They are not thrilled with this new arrangement but they will get used to it and it will be better when it is bigger with the new hurdles that I will buy tomorrow.

I told them that.


Anyway, it is what it is and Waffle, Tiddles and Albie have to just suck it up, live there, lose weight, get sound while not having COLIC!  Them’s the rules.

Shed Life | My Shetland

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