The recent success bash in Mumbai celebrating the phenomenal reception of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film “Animal” witnessed a star-studded affair with Bollywood’s glitterati gracing the event. Amidst the bustling black carpet, Ranbir Kapoor’s heartwarming gesture towards his wife, Alia Bhatt, became a moment of endearing affection that caught everyone’s attention.
As the dazzling array of Bollywood stars walked the black carpet at the “Animal” success party, Alia Bhatt, there to support husband Ranbir Kapoor, radiated her signature million-dollar smile. The couple was accompanied by Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor, and Alia’s father, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Amidst multiple poses for the paparazzi, a sweet moment unfolded when Ranbir subtly hinted at Alia to hold his arm.
As the dazzling array of Bollywood stars walked the black carpet at the “Animal” success party, Alia Bhatt, there to support husband Ranbir Kapoor, radiated her signature million-dollar smile. The couple was accompanied by Ranbir’s mother, Neetu Kapoor, and Alia’s father, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Amidst multiple poses for the paparazzi, a sweet moment unfolded when Ranbir subtly hinted at Alia to hold his arm.
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Ranbir Kapoor’s endearing gesture to Alia Bhatt steals hearts at the ‘Animal’ success bash | Hindi Movie News