Part of their Flock | My Shetland

Part of their Flock | My Shetland

It is very autumnal now, damn near winter really – temperatures are low with a strong and biting north wind.  I might have to dig out my winter sweaters shortly.

But the sun was shining when I took the dogs out armed with carrots for the Ancients and it was nice to see everyone.  The old croft houses offer lots of shelter and they are all looking very *** cough *** well.

And then one more sheep made this afternoon and out I went with my constant companion to do the afternoon chores like feed the ducks/hens, going out with Skippy to clean up (I cannot tell you just how much it is a game-changer), and collect up empty haynets from the boxes refilling them ready for the evening when the ponies want to go into the containers.

Meanwhile, Pepper and I are very adept at waiting for everyone to finish their tea.

Sometimes the ducks have a conversation with Pepper – mostly telling her off, I think – but they honestly don’t mind and have known her since they, and she, were little.

I wonder if they see her as part of their flock!  Similar grubby plumage.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Part of their Flock | My Shetland

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