Monster and the Mirrie Dancers

Monster and the Mirrie Dancers

I was lying in bed last night after a lovely hot relaxing bath when I saw someone had posted a photo on social media of the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis or Mirrie Dancers, as they are called here.

So, feeling a bit nonplussed about the whole thing but thinking I should possibly make the effort, I struggled into my dressing gown, donned some wellies and went outside to see if I could see anything.

I couldn’t much (a slight green glow) but the camera picked it up beautifully.  I stuck the phone on the 6 inch nails banged into the side of the house and took a few snaps.

And then I realised that the willow trees around the back door have grown so tall, I couldn’t actually see everything that was going on, so I moved to a different spot – the compost heap, which was slightly better, if more precarious.

The clouds were not helpful or moving either.

While I was snapping away and freezing to death (it was very, very cold), I heard a rustling sound and then the tell-tale meow of Monster, who had surreptitiously snuck up unbeknownst to me.  I got quite the shock!

So, to a soundtrack of much whinging, the Northern Lights flickered away for my camera.

It’s not a bad view from the compost heap really!

Monster and the Mirrie Dancers

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