Dentist and Shopping | My Shetland

Dentist and Shopping | My Shetland

And so to town to the dentist for my six monthly appointment.  Not fun, but not half as bad as it could be, I kept telling myself. I suffered as a child, but now (touch wood), I get off pretty lightly compared to others.

Anyway, the dentist had a nice calm waiting room and I tried to tell myself that the orchid was very pretty and not a tree made of teeth!

Mouth now gleaming bright, I went to Visit Scotland’s Lerwick’s Information Centre on the Street.

I purchased all I needed according to my shopping list.


And everything came home with me in a giant carrier bag.  I will contact those of you by email who put a request in with price and postage.

Once home, I put away my clean-and-tidy clothes, changed back into my usual slobbery and it was back to normal.


Well, as normal as you can get around here!


This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Dentist and Shopping | My Shetland

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