Alligator toy scares locals into calling Animal Control in Andover

Alligator toy scares locals into calling Animal Control in Andover

ANDOVER, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) – Andover residents calling Animal Control over an alleged alligator sighting.

When Animal Control officers arrived, they managed to capture this guy recently making the walking trails in Andover far safer… from toy alligators.

That’s right, if you take a closer look this is a rubber alligator and not the real deal.

Andover Animal Control says they got a call this week about an alligator sighting out on a trail.

The person who called said they were nervous to get too close to the creature.

Once officers realized it was a toy they say they had quite the laugh adding it was placed in such a way that it did look realistic.

They removed the alligator toy to prevent future calls.

Alligator toy scares locals into calling Animal Control in Andover

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