A Happy Family | My Shetland

A Happy Family | My Shetland

Completing my morning breakfast feeding chores, I turned around to see this little group together.  It took my by surprise.

When I laughed out loud, they looked at me like this was their family life and what was I making such a fuss about.

Honestly, Mum, this is perfectly normal!

Maybe I should start a business selling potential album cover art to up and coming (and possibly naive) musicians.

(This was particularly sweet – when Pepper started washing ‘Ster’s face.)

I could make a fortune.  Surely they would be a success.  A re-release for Abba’s latest oeuvre on vinyl, which is apparently making a comeback.

And this is the final photo I took of these three before I put all the sheep into their field for the day and Pepper came back into the house with me.

Luckily the rest of the family hadn’t turned up to see this strange display of behaviour.   Probably just as well.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

A Happy Family | My Shetland

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