5 Fun Facts about Snakes for World Snake Day

King Cobra

In celebration of World Snake Day, here are five fun facts about these slithery reptiles:

  1. All snakes are carnivores. That means they eat meat. In particular, they may eat mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, eggs, worms, and insects.
  2. There are over 3,000 species of snakes.
  3. Some snakes are venomous. That means they produce a toxic saliva. Usually, the venom is injected into their prey through their fangs, though some species spit the venom.
  4. Some snakes lay eggs, some retain the eggs inside their bodies (and the babies come out after they hatch), and some give birth to live baby snakes.
  5. Snakes can’t blink. They do not have eyelids. Instead, they have a clear membrane that covers their eyes called a brille.

To learn more about snakes, read our articles, Green Anaconda and Burmese Python.

The post 5 Fun Facts about Snakes for World Snake Day appeared first on Animal Fact Guide.

5 Fun Facts about Snakes for World Snake Day

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