Winter Nights Drawing In | My Shetland

The winter nights are beginning to draw in now and some days we get impressive skies. Today is not one of them (it is dreich and windy), but from a few days back.

Sunrise from my window (probably the same day)

And a sunset from when I went out to put the ducks and hens to bed for the night. Superb.

Because it is getting darker, my daily routine has reverted back to my winter one.

Animals are fed and watered in the morning. Then, after lunch, I make a sheeple ready for next year’s buyers. No one wants them now, which I find a bit depressing, but I shall keep on stabbing away all winter ready for next year’s rush.

I have also re-visited my Great Great Aunt Kate’s diaries, which I am busy transcribing. I do this after supper for a couple of hours.

I have now reached 1933 and Kate is 54 years old. I would be lying if I said her life was a riot of excitement (she is currently holidaying in Champfèr, St Moritz on a ski-ing trip with friends) and I keep thinking they have no idea what is waiting for them just around the corner – World War 2. My grandmother, who is 24 (Kate’s neice) has passed her shorthand diploma with 92% while my grandfather occasionally visits the family too. He is an old family friend.

I am trying hard not to think “this time last week”, because although I had the best time and loved every minute south, bar the travelling home bit, I have lots to keep me busy here.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Winter Nights Drawing In | My Shetland

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