
Vaccination Camp at Bhaisenpati | Animal Nepal’s Blog

Lalitpur,Our Humane Dog Management Programme has been involved in anti-rabies vaccination, CTVT treatment, community education programmes and CNVR programmes to all the dogs. So, on 30th, June, 2017, Animal Nepal team to the field and vaccinated 78 stray dogs in Bhaisenpati area Lalitpur Metropolitan city.AN program manager Kapil Kafle, Veterinarians Sunil Thapa and Chet Raj […]

“UNITED WE STAND” | Animal Nepal’s Blog

Lalitpur, July, 2017-An interaction with Brick Kiln Owners and relevant stakeholders from Lalitpur was called on 7th July, 2017, where Animal Nepal talked about the work they have done so far in the field of working equines, animal welfare and most importantly introduced and discussed the Animal Welfare Directive; which states crucial do’s and don’ts […]

Training for veterinary students | Animal Nepal’s Blog

Lalitpur, October, 2017Animal Nepal organized a three days training about ‘equine welfare and their management’ for final year veterinary students from Himalayan college of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (HICAST) during 13 – 15 October 2017.The training was focus on welfare of working equines, approaches to handle equines and common problems seen among working equines in […]

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