As Colorado legislators finalize the content of the state budget, the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is praising lawmakers for their support of Governor Polis’s key budget requests that support agricultural communities across our state through passage of the state’s Long Bill. The Colorado General Assembly funded several new staff positions that will help drive […]
Emotional States as Training Goals – Talented Animals Blog
For most of the last twenty-five years, if you had asked me to define my training style, I probably would have identified myself as a “joy trainer.” My central defining characteristic as a trainer has been to find and develop joy in playing the game; to determine ways to ensure that doing whatever behavior I […]
Goals for Successful Dog Training
Set Your Goals for Successful Dog Training Does your dog have some behaviors that you’d like to improve on? Would you like to increase your own skills as a trainer to help your dog’s long term behavior? With both New Year’s dog training resolutions and National Train Your Dog Month, January is the ideal time […]