Struggling | My Shetland

Today we struggled. There was a lot of snowfall overnight.

We set off in the Eggbox and slid our way to the Minions’ field (about 1 mile down the road). Even with extra-grunt 4WD on, we slid in a scary way down the hill and got stuck on the track. So we gave up, grabbing buckets, haynets and water containers, lugging them the last bit to the ponies.

The ponies were pleased to see us and our food. We broke the ice off and refilled the water bucket, noting the stream that runs through the field had completely frozen over. I have never seen that before.

I almost felt sorry for Newt. Almost.

Then we dug and pushed the Eggbox out of its drift and wobbled our way home, getting stuck again on our track, so again, we abandoned it, walking home feeling rather shaken by this experience.

After lunch, OH and I walked back to the Minions’ field and I caught Fivla, Vitamin and Waffle. OH led Fivla and Vitamin and I had Waffle. The others were wild and free and they galloped up and down the road having the best time.

Meanwhile, I struggled with Waffle who was awful. By the time we reached my neighbour’s house, I had run out of steam. My neighbour took pity on me, came out and offered to lead Waffle for me so I could shout at the others who were now departing over the horizon (having scrambled over the cattle grid!) and not going home. Luckily, they realised they were on their own, turned tail and galloped home, following OH with Fivla and Vitamin with Waffle and my neighbour bringing up the rear.

We shovelled them into a field and shut the gate fast.

Since then Waffle has had the water bucket over twice. OH has dragged the duck pond over to be their now un-turnoverable water container with rocks in.

I have put out haynets and I am barely speaking to anyone.

Lambie update: Apparently he is still with us.

He might manage a small piece of hay – yay, go Lambie.

I told you – we are struggling!

Struggling | My Shetland

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