Storm Ready | My Shetland

“Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning“.

We have ahead of us three days solid of gales, ranging from moderate to fresh (understatement of the ruddy year – it’s going to be bloody awful out there).

So I went into action and moved the Minions to a much more sheltered field. I led Waffle and Vitamin as I knew the others would follow.

They were very pleased with the move.

Next up were the Old Folk. They weren’t particularly thrilled with yesterday’s move so I tied back the gate and shouted for them to come up.

They now have the choice of either field and can find their own shelter. OH also made the big shed safe (ie van, trailer and henhouses in for mending now have hurdles around them) so if anyone is shivering, they can come in for a bit. The temperature is due to dive and even snow is forecast. Add the wind-chill factor and we may need the big shed so good to have it all ready.

For the sheep, I added more grotty bedding hay and put up some haynets too so it is nice if they have to spend the whole day(s) inside. The door is always open so they can come and go.

I think everyone is hopefully sorted now and I pray we can get out to give them food. Sometimes it all gets a bit much outside, ie seriously unsafe, and you just have to give up and pray that everyone will be ok.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Storm Ready | My Shetland

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