Offering a discount on my remote 1 hour Reiki Extra!® sessions.
Regular Price: $150/hour – Special $125/hour
Dates: 11/18, 11/19, 11/20
Includes: Regular Reiki, with other energy work, if guided; crystals; channeled messages related to your healing, not a reading.
For the session, you will be lying down on your couch or bed, with either me on speaker or headphones, whichever is best for you. Any ‘messages’ I channel from your Guides related to your healing, I will jot down for you, and email to you after the session, so you can just relax and receive. No alcohol/drugs 24 hours prior to the session. Also, make sure you allow time to relax afterwards, as you may want to rest.
After we book the session, I’ll send you an invoice, number to call, etc.
Looking forward to offering you beautiful Reiki!