No Internet Day 1 | My Shetland

We have no internet.

My service provider has reliably informed me that we will possibly have no internet until Wednesday. A fault at the exchange, apparently. Grrr, I said.

So, this will be brief as I am writing the blog piggy-backing off my mobile phone signal, which is sporadic at best or non-existent at worst. I don’t need this. I really don’t.

Meanwhile, back in Slimming World, aka the Minions, while I was pottering about doing chores, I saw Newt by himself standing by the gate looking a bit down.

I gathered up a brush and went to talk to him, only to discover he has been having diarrhoea. Poor wee lad. I cleaned up his tail, washed his tiny bottom and put some nappy-cream. I gave him some pro-biotic paste hoping this would help calm his innards down.

Then it occurred to me that maybe the others might have diarrhoea too, so I checked them all, brushing tails and dishing out probiotic, just in case.

I think it is the 2 hours of grass a day that they are having. The changes are taking a while to settle in their tums.

I will just keep juggling everything and everyone while hoping the internet will return soon. And Newt seems a bit happier now and he has a darling little froo-froo forelock.

Is it too early for wine?

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

No Internet Day 1 | My Shetland

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