Newt is a little….. | My Shetland

This is Newt.

He is a little pony – 26″ to be precise.

He is also a little…..

(but this is his trying-to-look-cute face)

It won’t wash with me, Newt. I know you –

Newt has a revolving bottom that lashes out at his friends when he doesn’t get his own way or their food/carrots.

Manoeuvres, such as creeping up on Vitamin to swipe her bucket, do not work – Vitamin is happy to kill him for such a heinous crime (and we are happy to stand back and watch because Newt has it coming).

Newt also tries to annoy Vitamin by standing very close touching her with his nose. She sensibly ignores him.

Totally undeterred and very determined, Newt then hones in on Fivla as his next victim

He is now just “happening to be in the area” of Fivla’s bucket.

So I go and stand between them both. Newt is “resting” (possibly with teeth) his nose on my knee. We have words and I warn him to make sensible choices with his teeth.

Fivla continues to happily munch on, never lifting her head from the bucket because that is a sign of weakness.

This time of year, life is very hard work with Newt around. Winter does not bring out the best in him, which is odd because he is enchanting for the rest of the year.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Newt is a little….. | My Shetland

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