Lick Wars | My Shetland

The Old Men came up this morning to see if there was anything better going than their field of lovely uneaten grass. How they suffer.

Iacs and Haakon hung around looking hopeful so I caved and went and found an ancient equine lick bucket that could do with being finished.

Haakon instantly made it his own but occasionally let Iacs have a shot too.

To start with, there was a bit of arguing ……

But nothing huge ….

….. and, eventually, they both got used to take it in turns.

Klængur was in the other field – he hadn’t see the lick bucket – and I encouraged him to stay there as he does not need any sugary calories. Not now, not never. Luckily, he couldn’t be bothered to go back up the hill to join in. That would’ve involved effort and he couldn’t be arsed.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Lick Wars | My Shetland

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