Home Again (Briefly) | My Shetland

OH helped me bring Iacs and Haakon home today.

Haakon has a physio appointment first thing tomorrow and I want him nice and settled for it.

He is very stiff in his back legs and I just want to set him up for a good comfortable summer.

Iacs (aka Bibble) came along as company. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. He won’t see the physio, apart to smile at.

The old men were both sort of pleased to be home but they wanted Mr and Mrs K to come along too, which is strange as they never stop arguing, all of them, these days and I was considering splitting them up if it continued. But no, apparently they all love each other, deep down, underneath.

Luckily the new spring grass is just beginning to appear so Haakon and Iacs quickly forgot about their friends and are eating…..

…. together.

It is nice to have the horses home, even if it is brief – they will go back tomorrow afternoon.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Home Again (Briefly) | My Shetland

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