Everland celebrates World Animal Day with tiger theme

World renowned documentary maker Sooyong Park, who has spent years documenting the lives of tigers and other big cats, came to Everland to talk about the importance of taking care of tigers. Park founded the international charity named Siberian Tiger Protection Society in 2011 after spending decades observing wild tigers up close and realizing the urgency of working to protect them and their environment.

Park has recently published the book entitled Tail, due to appear in English soon, which depicts the last year in the life of an old wild tiger that Park followed and filmed. Touched by this book, the staff of Everland and the Korea Green Foundation worked together to invite Park to Everland for World Animal Day.

Environmental performance group the Yu Sang Tong Project played percussion instruments made by upcycling discarded containers and was invited by the Yongin Cultural Foundation to give a live performance, stirring the crowd to excitement with their upbeat rhythms and tiger masks.

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Everland celebrates World Animal Day with tiger theme

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