Duck Identity | My Shetland

We have a problem. A duck problem.

Two of my Muscovy ladies are broody. One is sitting happily in the henhouse on an old fish box having made a nest over a false egg (that I put in to promote laying).

This is Black Duckie and we only have one that colour so I can easily identify her. I put six hopefully-fertilised real eggs next to her, she happily pushed them gently all under herself and settled in for the duration. It was very sweet. I did wonder what she would do at the time and she did exactly the right thing so I am hopeful she might manage to produce some ducklings.

Meanwhile the other ladies look very similar and I am taking photos to try and identify who else is broody.

Today, I finally found out when this duck poked her head out from under the container where she is laying and starting to make her nest.

Such a ridiculous place to do this but there is no telling her.

Pepper has been known to nip in a steal and break an egg to eat. Not good.

Today, I tried to catch broody duck No 2 but no luck. She was having none of it and went off to join her friends, furious at my pathetic attempt.

So, instead I took photos of her for future reference. I want to get her inside a quiet shed before she makes a proper feather-pulling-out nest.

Now, I know this duck. This is Penthesilea.

She has a totally white head so easy to know.

Meanwhile, I am trying to work out if it is Penthesilea’s Mum who is broody duck No 2. I’m pretty sure it is. I shall stop worrying as much. She is a great Mum if we can just stop Pepper stealing the eggs.

(2021 duckies)

Duck Identity | My Shetland

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