Dash To Town | My Shetland

Snow is forecast all week. Forecasts say it will go on Sunday but I am taking no chances. So, leaving my little preciousness behind (she was so upset), I drove to Lerwick in my van for supplies.

The snow had already arrived first thing, when we fed everyone, but luckily the roads were clear and it was a smooth drive into town. This is not going to go away soon.

I know I am panicking slightly but, with so many oldies to look after, I don’t want to run out of anything.

So I bought a round bale of hay and 4 square bales of straw – a second mortgage up here but worth it. Fibre and more fibre is the way forward this time of year. Nothing is better. It fuels the internal furnaces.

Next to the feed merchant and I loaded up with hen, sheep and horse/pony food plus some dog treats for Pepper and Ted.

Once safely home, the afternoon was spent making warm beds for everyone who needs a warm bed.

These photos are from tonight, when I was shutting in the poultry. They actually share very nicely and the warmth they all create, keeps the shed lovely and snug. No arguments.

The sheep were very happy to see the straw and I know that Lambie will spend his entire night trying to eat all his bedding while Barrel eats the hardboard on the gate *** sigh ***.

The horses and ponies will get extra tomorrow morning, including haynets twice a day, once the anticipated snow has covered everything.

Dash To Town | My Shetland

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