Bibble | My Shetland

Poor old Bibble had his operation today. I have been spoiling him pre-op, like giving him leftover soaked fibre-block as a treat. He basically wants everything the Minions have despite having access to 50 acres of lush grazing.

Today, I put Bibble by himself into the wee paddock before the vet and vet nurse arrived for his operation.

Moral support then appeared too and Bibble seemed calm and happy with his lot.

I had scrubbed the small stable as much as I could and, as Bibble was being operated on standing up, so it didn’t have to be too perfect.

Bibble was heavily sedated and “relaxed” so that he would “let down” and was a total jewel about the whole procedure. There were midges everywhere so we wiped him and sprayed ourselves with anti-midge.

The offending bit was ligatured and promptly fell off onto the floor. It will be sent for histology, etc and hopefully that will be that. Bibble will be kept in for a while and then back out into his wee paddock. Just now, I left him eating the Minion’s fibre-block, which he adores so fingers and toes crossed for Bibble. Antibiotics and painkillers/anti-inflammatories for the weekend. He was such a good boy. Everyone said so. Fingers and toes, folks, please. x

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

Bibble | My Shetland

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