As I was preparing, (meditating), for my radio interview last week with Eluv on the Ultrasounds show, on Tampa. I asked what animal had messages for me to share for everyone’s highest good. A magnificent Whale appeared, this is what she said:
- Sing!
- Use your voice.
- Speak your truth with heart energy.
- Be in community to help others if you can.
- Please do your part to protect our Seas – our home.
- Have a bigger vision of what is possible to achieve for yourself – all is possible!
- Play, have fun, to keep balanced.
- Wear blue.
- Work with blue calcite, if you can.
- We love you.
Wow! Thank you, Whale.
Blue calcite is a stone that works with your throat chakra – helps us communicate in clear, peaceful ways. I hold mine while meditating.
Looking forward to next month, so see what amazing animal has messages for us!