And Then There’s Madge | My Shetland

The gale is finally on its way out, if slowly. Just very slowly. We are all very bored of it now.

The sheep are staying around the house. This is their choice. I opened up a small uneaten paddock which I was saving for emergencies, so they could go somewhere different. They are easily bored by restricted surroundings. I was thinking they seemed to be staying in the wee paddock a long while when I realised the gate had blown shut in the wind! Of course they all rushed out when I opened it vowing never to go back.

If they see me, of course they all come over for something to eat because they are always hungry and possibly starving. Here, I was in the feed-shed putting buckets away, etc. when I could feel the eyes.

Lambie got out his Winning Smile to see if I would fall for his charms.

And then there’s Madge. Always a little way away looking rather ashamed of her friends’ blatent begging or she may be just trying hard to disown them, particularly her mother, Edna at the front of the queue.

Blatent, I tell you.

Sigh, Oh Lambie.

I am followed back to the house because yesterday I generously opened a packet of Ginger biccies sent by a kind friend who knows the way to all my sheep’s hearts.

I dished out the biccies – two each because it’s cold. I even went and gave Madge her’s. She never misses out. I make sure of that. Fairness for all.

Finishing up, I pushed Harrel and Edna back outside and went indoors to count my fingers.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

And Then There’s Madge | My Shetland

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