An Attack of the Sillies

The weather was, again (**sigh**) pretty revolting this morning so after breakfast, of course they all piled into the wee shed and I left them to it.

These two, honestly – you can tell they’re related (cousins, you know!)

But, not to be deterred by the rain, which finished mid-morning, I got hold of Fivla by her mane, as I had no headcollar, and told her to come on a dog-walk with me. Bless her, she did. Fivla pottered along beside me, rather enthusiastically for her (obviously the new supplement is working) and the others left the shed to follow her.

And, of course, they all had an attack of the sillies.

Dear Fivla, so helpful, and unassuming. She just (and later on with Vitamin) just got on with the job in hoof – enjoying the sunshine and eating. Albie was with them too.

I do love it when the ponies play and it makes my heart sing to see them giggling with their friends.

(Please ignore the small brown dog that was winding them up – she just can’t help herself).

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

An Attack of the Sillies

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