A Rug for Tiddles | My Shetland

When it rains, Tiddles shivers and is miserable so I brought him in from the field to fit him with a rug, for emergencies.

He was not the size I thought he should be – 3’9″ was possibly too short.

Though the front was a nice snug fit.

I tried the 4′ 3″ and it was miles too big. Not even a case of Don’t worry if the sleeves are too long, you’ll find they’ll ride up with wear” (if you know, you know).

So I opted for the 4′ rug. It has 50g of fill, which I didn’t want, but we do have two and so one and spare is always useful.

It fitted very nicely around the neck.

Feeling pleased with this rug (and its twin), I fitted one to Tiddles, making sure all the straps were the right length so I can go shooting out just before the rain starts up and get it on him fast.

And please don’t tell Daisy, because she thinks I already have far too many rugs, but I bought Tiddles a 4′ rainsheet (the same type as Fivla and Vitamoo’s) which will be very useful as Summer has no intention of appearing any time soon. There is currently a cruel north wind and it is very cold. No wonder Tiddles shakes when it rains. Poor lad.

This entry was posted in MyShetland on by Frances.

A Rug for Tiddles | My Shetland

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