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Zoologist Adam Britton, a British crocodile expert, is facing a severe legal battle in Australia with potential consequences of 249 years in prison. Britton had previously pled guilty to over 60 charges of animal cruelty, including the rape, torture, and killing of more than 60 dogs.
The final hearing, which was anticipated to bring closure to this disturbing case, was postponed on Thursday. This delay came after Britton’s lawyer submitted a new report for the judge’s consideration, pushing the next court date to August.
NT Supreme Court judge Michael Grant, recognizing the disturbing nature of the material related to the case, requested that court staff and animal rights activists leave the room before proceedings began. Judge Grant remarked that the evidence presented could potentially cause severe psychological distress. He described Britton’s actions as “grotesque cruelty to animals.”
During the hearing, Britton’s lawyer introduced a report detailing his client’s psychological state following nearly 30 hours of treatment in prison. The lawyer argued that Britton’s remorse and psychological treatment should be taken into account as signs of potential rehabilitation. He emphasized that remorse and insight often develop over time with treatment.
In a plea for leniency, Britton’s lawyer further explained that Britton had been struggling with a severe condition since childhood. The lawyer highlighted the societal taboo surrounding this condition, suggesting that it significantly impacted Britton’s ability to manage his behavior into adulthood.
The court will reconvene in August to consider the new report and determine Britton’s sentence.
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