This is Kolka’s house now. She’s made it her own. It is official. And everyone else is not allowed in. Kolka makes a point of going and standing in Her Shed every morning after breakfast. She also leaves me a present, which I clear up later. (btw, I love this photo – Kolka is very […]
Shed Life | My Shetland
My morning was spent lugging hurdles, feed bowls, feed boxes and setting up the massive water bucket in the big shed. First, I parked the car and trailer properly, getting the van out for tomorrow’s trip to town for more hurdles. You should’ve seen me reverse that trailer into the very small spot. I was […]
Hogging the Shed | My Shetland
Yesterday evening, on my last walk round, I found two little ponies hogging the little shed. And they wouldn’t let Albie inside. I could see Waffle and Tiddles happily colluding with each other. Shameful behaviour, if you ask me. I felt sorry for poor little Albie, ever the victim, but there was nothing I could […]
Day in the Shed | My Shetland
I am frozen and have come inside to write the blog and warm up a bit (I currently have my feet on a hot water bottle trying to thaw). And the reason? I am having an “Open Weekend” selling all my and Kolka’s stuff to raise funds for well, everyone, I guess. Daisy helped me […]
Kolka’s Shed Now | My Shetland
We have some serious weather about to arrive but it is going to be warm while very windy, with a bit of rain and I can’t make my mind up what to do for the best. So I did nothing, but showed Kolka the shed instead. She is very taken with it. And I am […]
Shed Wars | My Shetland
A big storm is approaching – Thursday and Friday are looking particularly grotty and I am not looking forwards to this. (I also had no idea that we live at “Newton, Walls”. eh?) So, being me, I had to make some plans. I opened up the wee shed and showed it to Haakon so he […]